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BeeProg fake


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I am sorry becouse I write on english, I very well understud russian and read but I am not good to write. i buy BeeProg programmer as original on paper advertisment, it's look like original but it clone, and it was work perfectly until I wasn't install new version of elnec sw, after that pic was erased. Does somebody have dump for pic inside BeeProg? Best regards, Vlada

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  • 3 weeks later...



If you see message Fake programmer unit detected it means that you bougt your Elnec Beeprog with good price :rolleyes:


for fix this problem you should:


1. Unistal Elnec soft

2. Delete Elnec folder from Programm files

3. Restart PC

4. Instal Elnec soft 2v41 or -

5. Dissasamble Beeprog

6. Reprogramm MCU

7. Assemble Beeprog


>>6. is problem, because MCU have secure. Code extraxtion cost ~2000eur or more


I know man who have this code but he do reprogramm by him self or send peoples programmed MCU.

If I good remeber it charge 100eur



I am sorry becouse I write on english, I very well understud russian and read but I am not good to write. i buy BeeProg programmer as original on paper advertisment, it's look like original but it clone, and it was work perfectly until I wasn't install new version of elnec sw, after that pic was erased. Does somebody have dump for pic inside BeeProg? Best regards, Vlada


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Dear, you did't read my message, I wrote that I was needed dump for pic. Now i solve problem, i buy from some guy from china preogrammed pic. But anyway thanks for answer, BR Vladan

Prompt the address where it is possible to buy Pic for BeeProg... At me a same problem,

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I am sorry becouse I write on english, I very well understud russian and read but I am not good to write. i buy BeeProg programmer as original on paper advertisment, it's look like original but it clone, and it was work perfectly until I wasn't install new version of elnec sw, after that pic was erased. Does somebody have dump for pic inside BeeProg? Best regards, Vlada



please post the website from where you bought beeprog clone. i want to buy one. can you tell the price and what soft version use it?



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  • 2 months later...
I am sorry becouse I write on english, I very well understud russian and read but I am not good to write. i buy BeeProg programmer as original on paper advertisment, it's look like original but it clone, and it was work perfectly until I wasn't install new version of elnec sw, after that pic was erased. Does somebody have dump for pic inside BeeProg? Best regards, Vlada

please send me contact for that pearson who has pic programmed for beeprog. I have same problem. Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
please send me contact for that pearson who has pic programmed for beeprog. I have same problem. Thank you.


I just bought new beeprog and repair this my old one.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...



Do not update to version v2.68 of ELNEC control software! It will kill your BeeProg programmer made in China - see my page for details:




The latest "safe" version is 2.67 (available on my page). Be careful, or you'll end up with "Fake programmer unit detected!" message and dead programmer!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...



I was deceived by china seller who sold me fake unit of BeeProg. After upgrade of SW I had the same problem - "Fake programmer unit detected!". I contacted Elnec and they offered me considerable discount on new BeeProg+ so I decided to take this opportunity. For the future according to the saying: We are not so rich to buy cheap things.. for china it seems to be valid doubly!

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  • 1 month later...

Есть прошитые pic для разлочки девайса , обращайтесь .

Контакты есть в моем профиле .

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  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

обратил внимание что beeprog продают восновном китайцы в разделе obd2 tools.

может кто подскажет дешевый китайский сайт ? заранее благодарен.

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обратил внимание что beeprog продают восновном китайцы в разделе obd2 tools.

может кто подскажет дешевый китайский сайт ? заранее благодарен.

могу тебе продать свой китайский бипрог,работает 50\50 ,там точ такие продают :heresmile:

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шото писали шо с isp там не совсем удачно(програмирование мелочевки в плате),


но насчет клонов, так segger jlink(jtag адаптер под arm) - даже наши под своим логотипом еще с пятой версии копируют

(лет пять-десять наверное уже), не говоря о китайских клонах. но там рынок развит, все косяки вычистили быстро.

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  • 3 months later...

убейте этого флудера постом выше,


и мне подскажите, в китайском би - PIC по ISP шьется ?


отвечаю сам себе, шьется, даже isp коннектор есть нераспаянный.

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